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pipe packaging       


WT-01    Heavy seaworthy pipe bundles

wrapped in foil     use of thicker wooden frames       ends protected by timber


WT-02   Pipe bundles

wooden frames   ends protected by timber    each pipe in plastic foil to protect


WT-03   Pipe bundles

wooden frames   plastic foils at the end optional    (Illustration on the right)     plastic end caps optional   (Illustration on the left)


WT-04  Wooden skid

open at both ends   without lid   mainly used for piping components    use of plastic foil optional


WT-05   Standard crate

use of plastic foil – inside and / or  outside – optional


WYT-06  Standard cases

use of plastic foil – inside and / or  outside – optional


WT-07  Seaworthy cases

use of plastic foil – inside and / or  outside – optional


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